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The Egyptian Civilization


      The longest river flows from south to north and is responsible for creating fertile soil, which we all know, the Nile River. It floods in the late spring which deposits of silts that enhances the soil. This land is later called the “Black land” because of its dark silt color. In this land, crops grow very rich that produce generous harvest. The Nile River splits into two branches: Upper and Lower Egypt. The Upper Egypt is in the south, and the Lower Egypt which forms the delta, a triangular-shaped, is in the north. The flooding of Nile impacts the life of many in Egypt. It gives a surplus of food to them. The Nile River ,not only enriches crops, but it serves as barrier which protects from invasion and provides security. This also grants a way of trade between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

     During the Old Kingdom in 2575- 2134 BC, there is a centralized government. The two branches are ruled by one king. The Upper and Lower Egypt are made into a single kingdom. The king is expected to rule with Ma’at, it means to rule with truth and justice. It is believed that the kings are divine beings sent from the gods to rule the earth, so the people in Egypt act in harmony with the orders of the kings. The kings’ tasks are: to maintain unity of the two branches, to control trade, and to operate food distribution. The Nile River, then, is an important key to the development of Egyptian civilization.

Comments on: "The Egyptian Civilization" (3)

  1. This article was very interesting and provided a lot of information. I thought that this was a very interesting topic discussion in class and it made me want to learn more about this. Therefore I found this blog useful in getting a better understanding. The information that you provided was strait forward and to the point which allowed me to keep reading with interest. I liked this blog and look forward to more of your posts.

  2. I liked your post in that it explained many different functions of the Nile. you did a good job of combining a lot of different topics in class. I thought it was a good mix how you used the connections in the first half to explain how upper and lower Egypt became one. it was nice to have the picture there as a reference as well. keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Sheila,

    nice article that you wrote there. Gave me a better understanding of the egyptian civilization and where and how they lived.


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