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Turning Point in the History

Neolithic Revolution (10,000 BC-4,000 BC)

In 8,000 BC, the neolithic people developed the cultivation of fields and domestication of animals. But how and why the did neolithic revolution occur? According to the Population Pressure Hypothesis, the population increased when the climate was warm, which then resulted in a scarcity of the food source. The expansion of population made the neolithic people adapt in a new way for their survival. The decrease of food made the neolithic people think of different options to have a steady food source, so they started planting grains, mainly wheat and barley , to secure their supply of food. They also started taming animals; this gave them source of meat, milk, and wool for clothing. The change enabled the Neolithic people to stop hunting for food and get settled in their communities (Duiker and Spielvogel 9). The Neolithic Revolution introduced the development of agriculture; it is the most important change to the human history. 

During the Neolithic revolution, it is believed that agriculture started in the Middle East, and later spread to other areas of the world. The shift from hunter-gatherers to farmers led them to develop better tools and weapons. They began to make pots for cooking, baskets for storing food, and stone tools for cultivating the fields. This change, though, had a consequence for both men and women. It developed a division of labor. In Paleolithic age, both men and women had to hunt food for their survival. But during Neolithic age, men were in charge of the farming and herding which they played a dominant role as the head of the family. While women stayed in the villages and were responsible for household chores such as  weaving, cloth, making cheese, and caring for the children (Duiker and Spielvogel 11).

The Neolithic revolution is very important to the human history because it led to the development of technology. The dominant role of men in the Neolithic revolution brought us the idea of patriarchy that once dominated in our society. But most importantly, it is agriculture that is the most essential contribution to us. This affects me personally because without the development of farming and the domestication of animals I would be one of the hunter-gatherers who lives in a nomadic lifestyle. The Neolithic revolution has an impact on my life and to the entire human race. Really, then, the Neolithic revolution was a doorway to civilization.


Work Cited

Duiker, William J., and Jackson S. Spielvogel. World History. 7th ed. Vol. 1. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

Comments on: "Turning Point in the History" (3)

  1. I think this is a very well written and thought-out post. I never thought about how this era led to the idea of gender roles in our society. From today’s perspective and knowledge of modern history, it is strange to think that both genders were equal before males dominated society. It is comforting to know that we are heading back to a time where both genders can provide for their families.

  2. Hi Sheila,

    I enjoyed reading you blog post. I liked that you used one of the hypothesis that we have discussed in class to start your article. At times, some of the descriptions are vague and could have been more detailed but considering that the article was supposed to be short, this cannot be really held against you!
    Good Job.


  3. Great post! I really like that you cited your sources.

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