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My blog post is based on the scoopit! page entitled, “Artifacts breathe new life into the destruction of the Temple.” This article grabbed my attention because it represents the Rome’s power taking over other cities.

     During the course of work of the drainage channel between the David’s city and the Jerusalem Archeological Garden, the Israel Antiquities Authority found a sword in a scabbard, a case for sword, and a stone engraved with the Temple’s menorah, a handle for more than one candle. The sewerage was believed to be in existed 2,000 years ago. During the destruction of the second Temple, the people in Jerusalem used the drainage channel as their hiding place from the Romans.

     The preservation of the sword surprised the excavation director Eli Shukron and Ronny Reich, a professor of the University of Haifa. The 60 cm iron sword has traces of the leather scabbard and some decoration. The sword was believed that once owned by an infantryman stationed in Israel. The sword, then, “breathe new life into the story of the destruction of the second Temple.”1 Another artifact was , an engraving of the Temple’s menorah was also found. The stone, though, was discovered in the road on the side of the sewerage. According to Eli Shukron and Ronny Reich, the menorah’s image has only five branches, which contradicts to their depiction of seven-branched candelabrum. The base strongly supports the original menorah having a tripod-shaped base. What is interesting is the stone was found near the Temple Mount, and researchers believed that a person saw the stone and just threw it, not knowing that the piece would be found 2,000 years later.

1. ” Artifacts breathe new life into the destruction of the Temple” August 8, 2011

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ” Artifacts breathe new life into the destruction of the Temple.” Last modified August 8,      2011. Accessed November 2, 2013. http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/israelexperience/history/pages/artifacts_destruction_temple_8-  aug-2011.aspx.

Comments on: "Artifacts Found in a Drainage Channel" (3)

  1. This is an interesting topic. The sword looks used, It makes you wonder who used it and for what. Weapons are always interesting. They show us how cities were taken over and protected. Good job!

  2. It is crazy how someone just found the sword and threw it not knowing the importance it has to the history of Rome. Great post, I found this to be really fascinating!

  3. Good post. Since I am Jewish, I like learning more about ancient Israel. I guess it was so dangerous at that time that people would hide their valuables anywhere they could. Also, the Romans were focused on destroying the temple, it makes sense that the stone was thrown with no intention of it being found again.

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