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Marie Antoinette

     Antoinette was one of the tragic figures in European history. She was born in Vienna, Austria in November 2, 1755.[1] She was the 15th child of Roman Emperor Francis I and Habsburg empress Maria Theresa. At the age of 15, she got married with the French king Louis XVI. Her marriage was difficult. There was a pornographic rumors. During the American Revolution in 18th century, French intervened, which led to abundance of debt for the French state. Owners of the Catholic churches and the nobility did not have to pay for taxes, while the ordinary people were squeezed with the high taxes that were imposed. Marie Antoinette became the target of vicious gossip during the criticisms about the French Monarchy.[2] In June 1791, the couple fled Paris and went to Marie’s brother, a Roman Emperor, which in turn, made her seem to be a traitor. During the French Revolution in 1789, her family had to “live under the supervision of revolutionary authorities.”[3] King Louis XVI was executed in 1793, while Marie Antoinette was arrested. She was falsely accused with sexual abuse against her own son; and was found guilty. She was imprisoned and beheaded on October 16, 1793 by the order of the Revolutionary tribunal. However, the night before her execution she wrote, “I am calm…as people are whose conscience is clear.” [4] Marie Antoinette’s existence is believed to be significant, especially in French Revolution.

                [1] Marie Antoinette Biography, Bio True Story, last modified 2014, http://www.biography.com/people/marie-antoinette-9398996?page=3

                [2] T.C.W. Blanning, The Culture of power and the power of culture: old regime Europe, 1660-1789 (Oxford University Press, 2002).

                [3] Marie-Antoinette, A&E History Networks Digital, last modified 2014, http://www.history.com/topics/marie-antoinette

                [4] Ibid.

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